Saturday 16 April 2011

For the 1st time in my life....

1st of all, thankz to Allah swt coz give me an opportunity to launch this blog....

Ok,mule2 mesti la kene kenal kn diri dlu kn....hehe
mcm yg korg tgk kt profile name, my name full name is nor syazana...
but,frenz usually call me syana or nana or syazana and many more....
so, ikut korg la nk pggl ape but i'm prefer people to call me syana je....ok..
muke yg tersembul kt atas tu muke ak la...
sape lg...

actually,ak da lame teringin nk wt blog ni....
tpi b4 ni xde kesempatan lg....
ak xreti la cte byk2 nih....
so mybe dlm blog ak ni nati akan byk ngn gmbr je....
gmbr ape ak pn xtaw lg...
korg tunggu je la k...

sebelum 2 ak nk bgi korg tgk gmbr ak je la dlu ek....
tu pn klu korg rase nk tgk la kn...
klu xnk ttp mate rapat2...

thankz 4 coming....!!

jgn nyesal ek lwt blog ak lg.....=)

ok,dah la 2 dgn gambr nye....
nati muak plak korg tgk kn....

this pic was taken by my photographer...
mcm lawak je kan....
muke mcm ak pn ade photographer ke??
xpe la,
klu korg nk thu sape photographer ak 2
nati la ak cte ek...

C U next time!!